Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Love Compliments!

But then, who doesn't!  I have received a couple of compliments in the past couple of days.  All of them were from out of the blue and were truly heartfelt.  They all had to do with appreciation of my positive attitude.

I am so glad that my positive attitude, which by the way is really selfish, as it serves to make me feel good, is an inspiration to others.

I am currently listening to "Inspiration" by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.  He inspires me to be the best that I can be and is one of the great teachers that I read voraciously.  One of the points that he makes in the book (or audio book) that you are inspired or called upon to be kind to others.  He gives numerous examples about how he seems to know just what he needs to say to make a difference.  I think that we all do.  We all have that little voice telling us this person needs a kind word, that one would benefit from a certain gesture.  I truly believe that if we act on those instincts, we can change the world a little at a time.

There is a ripple effect to kindnesses.  When I received those compliments, those perfectly timed compliments, I was inspired to let others know that I had received an act of kindness, and how good it felt.  I then asked others to remember that even just kind words can make a huge difference and challenged my readers on Face Book to say a kind word to another as it would make them feel good, and it would make the other person feel good, and hopefully that person would pass it on.

I am making that same challenge to you today.  Can you commit to go out of your way to give a genuine compliment or word of appreciation to someone today?  If you would, it would make my day!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy - The Movie, The Movement

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Happy - The Movie, The Movement. last night at the Kansas Underground Salt Museum.  The movie was awesome and highly recommended!

Just some thoughts on the experience:

I was amazed to see a quite large group of people at the screening.  Many of the people that attended also purchased the pre-release DVD.  I was so excited that so many people in our area were excited about happiness. 

After mingling with the group for some time, I made my wait to the waiting area to wait for the next elevator up.  I spent some time people watching and was rather disheartened to find that a large number of people in the waiting area were frowning or even almost scowling, after having just had a novel experience of watching a movie in a salt mine on HAPPINESS.  How could these people have just watched a movie about happiness, and how people have overcome great adversities and remained happy throughout horrid circumstances, and these people have wondrous opportunities and wealth - comparatively speaking- and still be standing there frowning?

This has just reaffirmed my resolve to do all within my power to bring more happiness to our community...and you, my dear reader, are part of that plan.  You are here, I assume, because you have a similar conviction.  So, my dear friends, please get out there and perform those random acts of kindness and pay it forward!

Monday, December 13, 2010

An Awesome Place to Find A Way to Spread Your Kindness

We are so blessed to live in an age where whatever it is that you need, you can find it online!  It is so awesome to see people using this to bring happiness, kindness and joy to others in a positive, proactive way.

Today I was introduced to this website:  This site matches volunteers (of time, services, of materials) to those that can use them. 

I urge you to check out this site and bookmark it so that on those days that you are searching for a way to spread kindness, you have a place to go for an idea.

Friday, December 3, 2010

NICE Tips: Share a quarter (or two)

I have been reading a great blog over the past month or so. This blog was just posted and it fits in so well with our theme here, that I just had to share it. Please read:

NICE Tips: Share a quarter (or two)

Did ya' read it? Wow, right? Super easy way to make some child's day. Drop a couple quarters in the trinket/gumball/candy machines. Leave them, some child will be so excited!!

What super easy and inexpensive ideas do you have for spreading Happiness, Kindness & Joy?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HAPPY - A Documentary is being offered FREE at the KUSM

Remember when I said I would let you know the details about the Happy screening?  Little did I know that they would be offering the screening FREE of charge!! Please follow this link to the Kansas Underground Salt Museum's blog page.  Follow the link there to sign up for free tickets...but do it NOW...they only have space for the fist 200 to sign up!! 

Why are you still here??  Go NOW to sign up!

Monday, November 29, 2010

HAPPY Screening at 650 Feet Below the Surface of the Earth!!

I have just learned that Kansas Underground Salt Museum will be hosting a special screening of the documentary "HAPPY" on Dec. 15th!! "HAPPY" is a documentary on the science of happiness, and I am willing to bet that an attitude of gratitude and helping out others with small acts of kindness are attributes of the happiest people that they find! Won't you save the date for this once in a lifetime chance to watch a screening of "HAPPY" 650 feet below the surface of the earth?

Details on ticket price will be announced shortly, and when I know, I will pass it on to you.  I am working with the organizers now to hopefully be able to have some of the "Happiness In Hutch" cards available for the taking during the screening.  Here is the museum's blog post about the event!

I hope to see a lot of Happy Hutch folks on the 15th!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Using Peer Pressure in a Positive Way

There's a powerful transformative effect when you surround yourself with like-minded people. Peer pressure is a great thing when it helps you accomplish your goals instead of distracting you from them.

~ Po Bronson

There is an initiative to get the world to pay it forward on Dec. 1st.  Here is the link to the Facebook event.  This is a powerful way to use positive peer pressure to pay it forward.  Will you participate?